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from litellm import moderation

response = moderation(
input="hello from litellm",

Input Params​

LiteLLM accepts and translates the OpenAI Moderation params across all supported providers.

Required Fields​

  • input: string or array - Input (or inputs) to classify. Can be a single string, an array of strings, or an array of multi-modal input objects similar to other models.
    • If string: A string of text to classify for moderation
    • If array of strings: An array of strings to classify for moderation
    • If array of objects: An array of multi-modal inputs to the moderation model, where each object can be:
      • An object describing an image to classify with:
        • type: string, required - Always image_url
        • image_url: object, required - Contains either an image URL or a data URL for a base64 encoded image
      • An object describing text to classify with:
        • type: string, required - Always text
        • text: string, required - A string of text to classify

Optional Fields​

  • model: string (optional) - The moderation model to use. Defaults to omni-moderation-latest.

Output Format​

Here's the exact json output and type you can expect from all moderation calls:

LiteLLM follows OpenAI's output format

"id": "modr-AB8CjOTu2jiq12hp1AQPfeqFWaORR",
"model": "text-moderation-007",
"results": [
"flagged": true,
"categories": {
"sexual": false,
"hate": false,
"harassment": true,
"self-harm": false,
"sexual/minors": false,
"hate/threatening": false,
"violence/graphic": false,
"self-harm/intent": false,
"self-harm/instructions": false,
"harassment/threatening": true,
"violence": true
"category_scores": {
"sexual": 0.000011726012417057063,
"hate": 0.22706663608551025,
"harassment": 0.5215635299682617,
"self-harm": 2.227119921371923e-6,
"sexual/minors": 7.107352217872176e-8,
"hate/threatening": 0.023547329008579254,
"violence/graphic": 0.00003391829886822961,
"self-harm/intent": 1.646940972932498e-6,
"self-harm/instructions": 1.1198755256458526e-9,
"harassment/threatening": 0.5694745779037476,
"violence": 0.9971134662628174

Supported Providers​
