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Router Architecture (Fallbacks / Retries)

High Level architecture​

Request Flow​

  1. User Sends Request: The process begins when a user sends a request to the LiteLLM Router endpoint. All unified endpoints (.completion, .embeddings, etc) are supported by LiteLLM Router.

  2. function_with_fallbacks: The initial request is sent to the function_with_fallbacks function. This function wraps the initial request in a try-except block, to handle any exceptions - doing fallbacks if needed. This request is then sent to the function_with_retries function.

  1. function_with_retries: The function_with_retries function wraps the request in a try-except block and passes the initial request to a base litellm unified function (litellm.completion, litellm.embeddings, etc) to handle LLM API calling. function_with_retries handles any exceptions - doing retries on the model group if needed (i.e. if the request fails, it will retry on an available model within the model group).

  2. litellm.completion: The litellm.completion function is a base function that handles the LLM API calling. It is used by function_with_retries to make the actual request to the LLM API.


model_group: A group of LLM API deployments that share the same model_name, are part of the same model_group, and can be load balanced across.